Monday, September 30, 2019

A Look into Post-Traumatic Stress

This Is an Invisible Illness that affects a person's mental state after being exposed to a aromatic or near fatal incident. It is important to note that PATS doesn't just affect soldiers. Anyone can be impacted by PATS. Humans involved in car accidents, witnessing death, being in natural disasters, or even hearing a traumatic event can cause PATS. In this paper, I will explore the history, the sculptural context, the significance and stigma, and the Impact of culture on PATS in American Iraq and Afghanistan soldiers.By definition â€Å"Post-traumatic stress disorder (PATS) Is a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event ? either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event† (PAP, 2000). PATS is diagnosed used the Diagnostic Statistics Manual (ADSM). To summarize the diagnosis, â€Å"Diagnostic criteria for PATS include a history of exposure to a traumati c event meeting two criteria and symptoms from each of three symptom clusters: Intrusive recollections, avoiding/numbing symptoms, and hyper-arousal symptoms† (PAP, 2000).Most importantly, diagnosing PATS takes over a month and final diagnosis isn't reached until after six months. This means that a person can experience these symptoms for p to a month without being diagnosed. History The history of PATS can date back to pre- industrial times. But, it most notably came to age in the 20th century. During World War l, this mental condition was known as solution fast. Often times, it would cripple a soldier leading him off the battlefield and sent home. Soldiers named and defined the term themselves. The symptoms were fatigue, tremor, confusion, nightmares, and impaired sight and hearing.Doctors diagnosed shell shock when a soldier was unable to function and nothing appeared to be wrong physically. The â€Å"shell shock† diagnosis was initially reserved for notations that f ollow a concussive shock delivered by high explosives to the head or spine (Young, 1995). Sadly, shell shock was considered cowardly (Young, 1995). It was a debatable illness and highly stigmatize disease because soldiers are supposed to be tough. In WI, American physicists gave shell shock a new name, battle fatigue. This new name for shell shock was still not universally accepted.Leaders of the American Army still showed no sympathy for this mental illness. The general consensus was that if the soldiers aren't physically injured then they need to get out of the hospital and return to war. But in 1946, the National Mental Health Act was passed. This provided expansion of mental health facilities in America for veterans. Most notably, the Veteran Affairs (VA) hospitals mostly cared for battle fatigued soldiers (Young, 1995). During the Vietnam War, the ADSM-II was released. The ADSM- II literally had no diagnosis for combat stress even though the ADSM- I had â€Å"gross distress di sorder†.The Vietnam War was the first time the U. S. Tested the strategy of twelve month deployments. In earlier wars, soldiers didn't return home from war until the war was over. This was the reason PATS had such a delayed onset (Meager). Vietnam veterans returning home from war found it impossible to seek medical care from the Veteran Affairs office due to this (Meager, 2007). The Veteran Affairs medical staff had a difficult time treating soldiers from the Vietnam War because they couldn't find reliable data since the name of the symptoms changed every major war.According to Meager, psychologists, Vietnam veterans, and anti- war activists huddled together to push PATS in the ADSM-III in 1980. PATS was first defined as being triggered by â€Å"events that were unusual†. Just having an official name prompted scientist to begin studying everything behind the disorder (Meager, 007). Scientist and physicians have now added a great amount of new diagnosis criteria to the A DSM-IV, as mentioned in the introduction. Today, the United States Army is all volunteers. Soldiers now sign up for a specific amount of time.Meaning, when the soldiers deployment is over, the soldier is still in the Army. During the Vietnam War, soldiers were drafted from the U. S. Population. The soldiers would serve a specific amount of time in theatre and return home to their families. The importance of this is that these volunteer soldiers face multiple deployments during their contracts unwillingly. A veteran of the Iraq war saw this as an â€Å"attempt to turn our fighting men and women into Rumba- like killing machines† (Meager, 2007, peg. 95). But, the United States Army battles to reduce the mental cessation of killing via â€Å"Total Control†.This program concluded that trained soldiers are more likely to shoot at an enemy only after being fired upon. Unfortunately, preventing psychological problems seems ineffective in this â€Å"Total Control† conce pt† (Meager, 2007). Many types of efforts are being made by the United States Army to combat PATS. In 2004 at the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Stress Control was initiated. This was a Joint mission between the Army and the Marines to treat mentally ill Iraq to treat American soldiers emotional, cognitive, and behavioral components of combat stress (Meager, 2007).The ADSM-V was added in May 2013. The manual still contains mostly the same data from the ADSM-IV. The changes are seen in the length of time it takes for diagnosis. It appears that PATS is here to stay in the medical world. Significance of PATS The main reason I'm interested in this mental health topic is because I served in the military and hate to see the greatest people of my generation suffering from their heroic actions. These men and women signed up to fight an unknown enemy on foreign soil after the disastrous events of September 1 1 the, 2001. Some of these soldiers were deployed three times in one contract.These soldiers are exposed to death, injuries, and extreme conditions. When the soldiers come home, they are exposed to nightmares, panic attacks, flashbacks, and negative symptoms that are triggered by normal everyday transactions. The significance of PATS lies in the statistics. The correlation between PATS and suicide is far too high. A study found that the higher the amount of traumatic events a soldier witnesses, the more alienable the person is to suicide (Friedman, 2004). The suicide rate in active duty soldiers and veterans is the highest it's ever been.During the Iraq war soldiers were committing suicide at a rate of 16 suicides per 100,000 soldiers. At home, soldiers were committing suicide at a rate of 11 per 100,000 soldiers (VIVA, 2009). Therefore, the Army is seeing veterans commit suicide before, during and after the war. This is largely agreed to stem from PATS. Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan veterans committing suicide account for 20 percent of all suicides in the United States. In addition, veterans account for 13 percent of the population. The suicide rate triples from veteran to civilian peers (VIVA, 2009).It is important to note that it is impossible to have an exact estimate of the suicide rate in veterans. The Department of Defense does not keep a record of this statistic (Meager, 2007). This makes sense because an organization does not keep records of facts they don't want to know. It is up to the families and coroners to label each suicide with veteran status to add to the statistics. Another issue is that we see homeless people committing suicide. It would be impossible to know if they were a veteran. Stigma from Culture and Perception In the United States, it seems as if every mental disorder has a tremendous amount of stigma.Stigmas surrounding mental illnesses found in civilian society carry over to the military. Veteran personal don't seek treatment because they are afraid of the consequences (Friedman, 2004). It is estimated that close to fifty percent of Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans with PATS will not seek treatment because they will be seen as weak by fellow soldiers (VIVA, 2009). Unfortunately, this stigma exists through past experiences of their peer's treatment towards PATS (Meager, 2007). Soldiers who have PATS are twice more likely to claim this stigma than soldiers without PATS.I would like to add my personal perspective. While serving in the military, any form of medical treatment was discouraged by first line leaders and peers. The first step in treatment is declaring to your First Sergeant that you want to go to â€Å"sick call†. This is a request to seek treatment from a physician. This is done at 5:30 in the morning. Soldiers must wake up extra early and confess their illness to a non- physician before seeking treatment. This is a systematizing experience because a soldier's First eve a physical or mental issue, it may set you back from a promotion.In addition, if y ou went to â€Å"sick call† too often, you were labeled as a â€Å"sick call ranger†. This is a negative term in the military. A soldier is considered weak if he or she seeks medical treatment. Often times, soldiers who had the flu, a swollen ankle, or a mental issue did not seek treatment because they were scared it would affect their career and reputation. The culture of being strong and masculine is obvious in the United States military culture. Case Study of PATS I would like to share a personal case study of PATS. I served with many great men and women in the Army from 2009- 2013.I still keep in touch with many fellow soldiers. In a recorded telephone call, I interviewed former Staff Sergeant Anthony Poll. Staff Sergeant Poll served in the Army from 2005-2011 as a forward observer. He was responsible for calling in airstrip's and artillery strikes on nearby enemies in Iraq. He served three tours in Iraq during his six year stint in the military. He was diagnosed w ith PATS from the VA hospital after he was honorably discharged from the Army. I wanted to find out why he never sought treatment for PATS while serving. Anthony Poll said to me, â€Å"l didn't seek treatment because I was afraid I wouldn't be promoted.At the time, I wanted to make the military my career and I thought that I would be seen as a weak soldier if I talked about that stuff. † This is one case that proves the stigma surrounding PATS and the military. Next, I asked Staff Sergeant Poll why he left the military, because at the time he told me it was becoming too physically tolling on his body. He claimed, â€Å"l left the Army because I was having nightmares and panic attacks. I knew I had it (PATS). I didn't think I could lead men into battle while suffering from it. I had many dark days where I thought I couldn't survive through it.I figured I could leave the Army and seek treatment since being in the Army with it (PATS) is impossible†. Sadly, this seems to b e a recurring theme in the Armed Forces. During the interview, it was obvious that Poll believed he would have never been promoted to Staff Sergeant if he had sought treatment for PATS. Medication, appointments, and stigmas would have keep Poll off the deployment list and training schedules. I was surprised Staff Sergeant Poll volunteered for this interview, but he told me that being out of the military helps in the treatment ofPATS. Not every PATS story like Staff Sergeant Viol's is simple. For example, Joshua Lee Movie provides the world with a traumatic experience with PATS. He refused to seek treatment after returning from war because of the stigma of disclosing it to the Army. Like Poll, he believed that it would put his career at risk. In addition, he wanted to become a police officer but believe it would be impossible after they found out he had PATS. Sadly, he committed suicide six months after returning home from his eleven month deployment to Iraq (VIVA, 2008).Staff Sergea nt Poll and Joshua Lee Movies story are Just two case studies that show the significance of the PATS problem. The stigma surrounding the PATS in the military is too high. The culture of trying to be labeled as strong and defiant is crippling many soldiers. In 2012, active duty suicides were more than combat related deaths in Afghanistan. Most of these deaths were contributed to PATS (VIVA, 2008). The Department of Defense is enforcing many campaigns to combat this stigma, but it starts with the leaders of every individual unit to fight the systematizing culture.Socio-cultural Context the United States for many different reasons. Considering the socioeconomic diversity of the people coming into the armed forces helps us get a better grip on PATS (Collar, G. , & Lend, D, 2012). Collar and Lend argue that most U. S. Recruits come from a low socioeconomic class. The lower classes do not have money for college and the United States Army is seen as the last resort to a steady life for man y high school graduates. The Army offers many incentives to Join such as signing bonuses, free college, and free health care. (Collar, G. & Lend, D, 2012) On page 136,† The decision to enlist as a last resort alternative because of economic hardship rates a sense of forced military service in which deep-rooted motives such as patriotism, honor, sense of duty, and an overall true excitement about volunteering for service in a time of war can be artificially present(Collar, G. , & Lend, D, 2012). † Arthur Galilean in his article â€Å"Rethinking Psychiatry' offers that most mental disorders are most prevalent in the lowest classes of society, poor people. In addition, minority groups such as Hispanic and African American are at higher risk for mental disorders (Galilean, 1988).I can conclude that the recruits that come from the low lass in the United States are more prone to PATS because deeply rooted motives such as patriotism and honor are sometimes artificial. Often ti mes, leaders have to tell their soldiers to do things that are morally wrong such as firing near children or killing innocent people. When soldiers with artificial patriotism experience this, their trauma is far higher than that of a fellow soldier who believes he or she is doing the action for their country. In addition, many recruits could have multiple mental illnesses present before Joining the Army.For example, when I enlisted in the Army I was never given a thorough psychological exam. I was given a thorough physical exam where doctors would try to find anything physically wrong with me. I was stripped down to my underwear and told to walk, bend, and sit in different unique positions. This made sense to me because the Army would save money on future health expenses of incoming soldiers. But, it was interesting to me that the Army never gave sat me down with a psychiatrist. A recruit is told to disclose any mental health history, but if the military is a last resort option many recruits simply lie.If you are fighting a war with depression, bi-polar illness, or schizophrenia to odds of you evolving PATS would seem high. Relating PATS We can relate PATS from war in other avenues such as the effects of the drought in Australia to farming men. Margaret Olsson and Jenny Kent explore the link between rural masculinity and poor mental health outcomes in their article â€Å"The Big Dry'. Masculinity in these farming men was a great quality to possess when water was plentiful, but when a drought took place masculinity was extremely unhealthy (Olsson & Kent, 2006).This statement ties into soldiers because masculinity is a great trait to possess while fighting a war, but when the war is over a soldier must overcome their salinity to seek treatment for PATS. When the â€Å"Big Dry' hit Australia, farming men had to face an impending doom by either selling their farm or working countless hours tending to their farm. But, the masculinity in the Australian farmers kep t them from selling their farms. This resulted in men working tirelessly on their farms with and many committed suicide or abused alcohol (Olsson & Kent, 2006).In correlation, some men returning from war are faced with the impending doom of PATS. Instead of going to a physician, soldiers try to be immaculate about this issue. Often time's, suicide and substance abuse is the result of their masculinity. It is the masculinity and stubbornness of Australian farmers and soldiers returning from war to try to fight mental illnesses on their own. This leads to suicide and/or substance abuse. The drought in Australia and the mental illnesses that follow can be summed up by what is called isolating.It is a new term that was coined by Glenn Albrecht as â€Å"a form of psychic or existential distress caused by environmental change. † Many analogies can be drawn between isolating and PATS. Albrecht argues that people feel distressed when they perceive their environments as harmful (Albre cht, 2007). This relates to PATS in war because when mentally ill soldiers return home from war, they perceive their local environments negativity. This means that the soldier believes their home environment has changed negatively. Soldiers have a feeling of, â€Å"nothing will ever be the same† when returning home from war.This is followed by depression, substance abuse, and trauma if not treated. In addition to the effects of the drought on Australia farmers, PATS can be related to the historical trauma in the Flathead Indian tribe of Montana, United States. Dry. Maria Yellow Horse Breather says historical trauma is â€Å"cumulative emotional and psychological wounding over the lifespan and across generations, emanating from massive group trauma (Breather, 2011). † Dry. Theresa O'Neal in her book â€Å"Disciplined Hearts† discusses the structural violence in the Flathead Indian tribe that has always instigated historical trauma.The Flathead Indians have had th eir culture stripped away by the Euro-American culture due to institutionalized misunderstandings. Therefore, historical trauma exists in Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans. This is showed through to history of PATS, an emotional and psychological wounding throughout all wars. In addition symptoms of PATS have existed throughout all wars resulting in massive group trauma. Conclusion The Veteran Affairs Office still hasn't lived up to its mission statement that it will do everything it can for the United States Veteran.Every year, the Veteran Affairs office underestimates the number of new PATS patients. For example, in 2006 the VA expected 2,900 new cases from Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. But, the hospitals saw a staggering 17,827 new patients for PATS. The quality of care for United States veterans is hindered by the shortage of trained mental health providers and an inadequate screening process. (VIVA, 2009) PATS develops over a long period of time. Catching the illness earlier i s the key to treatment (Young, 1995).In addition, the United States civilian treatment of soldiers when they return home from battle is critical in the development of PATS. Soldiers from the Vietnam War returned to negative welcoming which seems to help the development of PATS. It was shown through Vietnam veterans that Just having someone supporting them showed the most progress in their treatment of PATS. Now, Iraq and Afghanistan veterans are honored at sporting events, television commercials, and movies. This helps the soldier disassociate from the cause of the war helping him or her readjust to society (Friedman, 2004).It is time for the Department of Defense and Veteran Affairs to do for his country is good enough to be given a square deal afterwards†. The Department of Defense needs to increase funding of the Veteran Affair's office as the war in Afghanistan is dwindling down and the Iraq war is over. Of course a broken bone is easy to fix, but a broken mind takes time. The Department of Defense needs to flood the VA with mental health physicians and fund new studies in the treatment of PATS. If not, the United States will lose a great amount of the greatest men and women of the millennial generation.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

2.5 Food Saftey Essay

Directions: Complete the food safety interactive quiz. Use the information from the interactive quiz to complete the following responses regarding food safety practices. For each of the following food safety practices, share at least 2 statements from the interactive quiz. Be sure to put these statements in your own words and explain why they are helpful in preventing food borne illness. An example would be: When dining from a buffet, make sure hot food is hot and cold food is cold. Food that is 40 – 140 degrees Fahrenheit has already begun to grow bacteria and pathogens. See more: Experiment on polytropic process Essay Clean (16 points): 1.Keeping your surfaces clean after cooking or letting an animal sit on it. 2.Keeping your hands clean keep you from getting ill. Separate (16 points): 1.When cross contamination happens it spreads bacteria from one item to a food item which will make you sick. 2.Keep raw meat and their juices away from cooked or ready-to-eat foods and fresh produce. Cook (16 points): 1.If food is left out for 8 hours, the food should be thrown out. When bacteria have nutrients, moisture, and favorable temperatures, they grow rapidly, increasing in numbers to the point where some types of bacteria can cause severe illness Cook thawed food to a minimum internal temperature to kill the bacteria. Chill (16 points): 1.When cooked food is left out for too long it can grow bacteria that can make you sick. 2.Freezing to 0 degrees F inactivates any bacteria, yeasts, and molds present in food. In your own kitchen, explain 2 food safety practices you feel your family can improve and 2 food safety practices you feel your family does well. (16 points) In my house our kitchen counters are perpetually dirty; at least that’s how I feel about it. Every time I walk into the kitchen there dirty and it’s kind of hard to tell who did what cause were a large family. There’s also the problem with closing bags that hold our food after they grab some of the food. For example the for the cheese container, when they make their sandwiches the leave the cheese container open in the refrigerator causing the cheese to go bad at a faster rate. I do have to say when it comes to cleaning dishes we are immaculate. No spot is left on or glass wear and sliver wear. We also are very particular when it comes to cleaning the stove (gas burner), flat top, and indoor grill. In what ways do your school and community practice or promote food safety to contribute to your personal health? (20 points) I can’t really say there’s anything. Our school promotes healthy eating but, I don’t eat school lunch. My community is really into recycling and making sure our streets and beaches our clean if that counts but that’s pretty much it. 2.5 Food Saftey Essay Directions: Complete the food safety interactive quiz. Use the information from the interactive quiz to complete the following responses regarding food safety practices. For each of the following food safety practices, share at least 2 statements from the interactive quiz. Be sure to put these statements in your own words and explain why they are helpful in preventing food borne illness. An example would be: When dining from a buffet, make sure hot food is hot and cold food is cold. Food that is 40 – 140 degrees Fahrenheit has already begun to grow bacteria and pathogens. Clean (16 points): 1. Keeping your surfaces clean after cooking or letting an animal sit on it. 2. Keeping your hands clean keep you from getting ill. Separate (16 points): 1. When cross contamination happens it spreads bacteria from one item to a food item which will make you sick. 2. Keep raw meat and their juices away from cooked or ready-to-eat foods and fresh produce. Cook (16 points): 1. If food is left out for 8 hours, the food should be thrown out. See more: Strategic Management Process Essay When bacteria have nutrients, moisture, and favorable temperatures, they grow rapidly, increasing in numbers to the point where some types of bacteria can cause severe illness Cook thawed food to a minimum internal temperature to kill the bacteria. Chill (16 points): 1. When cooked food is left out for too long it can grow bacteria that can make you sick. 2. Freezing to 0 degrees F inactivates any bacteria, yeasts, and molds present in food. In your own kitchen, explain 2 food safety practices you feel your family can improve and 2 food safety practices you feel your family does well. (16 points) In my house our kitchen counters are perpetually dirty; at least that’s how I feel about it. Every time I walk into the kitchen there dirty and it’s kind of hard to tell who did what cause were a large family. There’s also the problem with closing bags that hold our food after they grab some of the food. For example the for the cheese container, when they make their sandwiches the leave the cheese container open in the refrigerator causing the cheese to go bad at a faster rate. I do have to say when it comes to cleaning dishes we are immaculate. No spot is left on or glass wear and sliver wear. We also are very particular when it comes to cleaning the stove (gas burner), flat top, and indoor grill. In what ways do your school and community practice or promote food safety to contribute to your personal health? (20 points) I can’t really say there’s anything. Our school promotes healthy eating but, I don’t eat school lunch. My community is really into recycling and making sure our streets and beaches our clean if that counts but that’s pretty much it.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Google Effects on Memory Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Google Effects on Memory - Article Example For instance, they start by introducing information about how a long-time relationship makes people typically develop a transactive memory, which is discussed in the introduction part. Regarding the conclusion and the summary, the authors review literature that confirms vast information available regarding the issue, and also acknowledging the fact that the negative impacts are still under debate. Nevertheless, the literature review was distributed, and did not come mostly from the primary sources. The research question is, has the internet become a primary source of transactive memory where information is collectively stored outside us? Another research question is, do we think about flags or immediately think to go online to find out? The research questions correlates with the purpose of the study. The hypothesis of this study is that people will forget information that they know is externally available, but remember information that they know is not available externally. This matches the purpose of the study because it proves reliance on external sources of information, rather than memory. As a result, it is easier to remember where information is stored than the information

Friday, September 27, 2019

Marketing Research on McDonalds (Australia) Essay

Marketing Research on McDonalds (Australia) - Essay Example It can be said that the marketing efforts for any product or service should always be line with the SMART framework. The SMART framework which essentially focuses on the guidelines related to specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timed parameters helps to develop a highly integrated marketing plan within a time bound frame (Stone, 2001, p.15). The SMART objectives when implemented in a marketing plan in a properly organized and phased out manner helps tremendously to the process of increasing the productivity of the marketing plan (Mullin, 2010, p. 34). However, the following processes can be followed for the purpose of implementation of SMART objectives within the marketing plan aimed to bring focus and generate consumer interest on the globally present McDonald’s brand in the Australian market. Specific: In order to increase the effectiveness of the marketing plans, McDonalds should focus towards a specific group of consumers or the relevant target audience. Identi fying the specific consumer needs with regards to demography and age group, will lead to the better conversion and increased sales for the products of McDonalds in the Australian region, while effectively trying to generate advantage from the need fulfillment perspective. Measurable: For the purpose of better targeting, demand estimation as well as measuring the effectiveness of the marketing plan, McDonalds should employ various strategies related to data analytics to increase the relevancy of the marketing exercise. Achievable: After the process of effective demand forecasting as well as the estimation of the target audience, effective setting of targets on a monthly basis has to be made for the forward growth of the business. Focus should be on the point of setting sustainable and achievable target growths for the process of generating motivation of the sales team. Realistic: Effective consumer data analysis has to be done for promoting setting of realistic goals while taking int o account the various parameters related to change factors. Timed: While designing the marketing exercise, McDonalds should focus on setting a time limit for each activity in the marketing plan. The process of setting a time limit should comprise of setting a time limit for the development and designing of a new product or service. The time limit should also be fixed on deciding the duration of employing the various mediums for the process of value communication of the product or service in the Australian market. Timing the marketing activities is essentially important as this helps in generating a measure of the level of effectiveness of the various departments of the organization as well as the relevancy and effectiveness of the various platforms of marketing. 2. Having a highly effective and attractive positioning statement in the forefront of the marketing campaigns is a highly vital factor as it can hold the key to the making or breaking point related to the success of the mark eting campaigns. The reason behind it is associated with the fact that the positioning statement helps in the process of identification of the brand by the target audience as well as the competitors at large, while increasingly creating favorable points of difference with rival brands (Capon & Hulbert, 2007, p. 253). It can be said that the target audience which essentially comprises of the consumers of the Australian market prefer to have a food packaging which clearly highlights the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Scientific Merit Form, Sections 1 E Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Scientific Merit Form, Sections 1 E - Essay Example If the SMR did not meet all of the criteria, then it should be deferred for minor or major revisions or disapproved. If final Scientific Merit Status (approved or disapproved) has been determined, please also indicate this in the final section on the form and insert your signature and date in the section at the end of the form. Over the past decade, the number of tertiary institutions that offer online courses has increased. This has created situations where faculty with skills for developing online learning (faculty-designers) are needed in greater numbers. Lack of proper instructional development skills could lead to less effective approaches for developing online courses, a practice that tends to have negative consequences on course effectiveness. Faculty-designers need basic skills and competencies in instructional development to develop effective online courses (Batts, Paglairi, Mallet & McFadden (2010). The specific topic for this research is about identifying basic skills and competencies for faculty-designers responsible for online course development. Write a brief statement that fully describes the problem being addressed and foreshadow the mixed methodology in your problem statement. Present this in one sentence or no more than one clear concise paragraph. Faculty designers are often responsible for creation, development, and management of online classes without formal preparation for performing these tasks (Carliner & Driscoll, 2009). This results in a practice where faculty-designers tend to create courses while lacking basic instructional development skills and competencies. This problem is compounded since the professional and scholarly community has not yet identified what those basic instructional design skills and competencies are for faculty-designers. Competencies and skills for faculty-designers developing online courses are embedded in instructional design theories related to content expertise,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Project ManagementTo Build a Log Cabin as a Case Essay

Project ManagementTo Build a Log Cabin as a Case - Essay Example The goal of this project is to ensure that it remains within budget and that is completed within the stipulated time; most importantly, the project aims at ensuring that the customer is satisfied with the final product; beautifully built log cabin, just as the customer wants and expects it to be. This project report is made up of the following critical components and aspects. This project first analyses the projected project schedule and items, as well as the corresponding cost of each project activity; this I done by using two important project management tools, a network diagram, and a Gantt chart. Secondly, this report endeavours to analyse the main factors that may affect the progress and completion of the project. For instance, risk analysis is carried out, with the focus being on the main risk that might affect or impede on the success of this project; for this purpose, a project risk assessment form is used. The third part of this report looks at the project’s emergency plan; these entails the prediction of would be risks and proposing corresponding changes aimed at mitigating the identified risks. Additionally, this report discusses the quality aspect of the project; deals solely with the question of quality control. This entails factors such as project cost control and customer satisfaction, particularly, customer communication. Scheduling and time related issues are also addressed in this section with aim of ensuring that the timely completion of project activities as well as the entire project is guaranteed. Finally, this report reflects on the entire project and offers some conclusion regarding the project; this is with regards to the risk level and the overall quality of the project. This project enables us develop the ability to analyse and solve problems, and enables us to become more objective and rational thinkers. Project

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Stumper 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Stumper 3 - Assignment Example For instance, when a country is faced by the threat of wars, it compels that the government purchase some military equipments which consequently induces the need for bonds to settle the expenditures. Since the public savings is one of the major sources of the loanable funds market, its deterioration would cause a negative impact on the funds. When we have government spending surpassing the tax collection, it means there is minimal government savings and this leads to decrease in funds as it has to fund what tax is not able to cover (Mankiw 2011). However, when the governments refund the loanable funds market with significant profits, it contributes to its growth. It is clear from the case study that capital inflows and capital outflows are the two parts of the international capital account. The capital inflow provides loanable funds which are exchanged with financial assets (Mankiw 2011). This indicates that when a country is suffering from national dept or budget deficits, it benefits the international finance whereby it allows for financial exchanges. Capital outflow is a direct opposite of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Personal statement, interview in your filed of interest Essay

Personal statement, interview in your filed of interest - Essay Example It reflects both the goals I have in life as well as what drives me in achieving them. I try to plan my life and set both the short-term and long-term goals in a way that will enable me to become each day better than I was yesterday, delimiting always some new horizons to be discovered. Knowing that my actions and my efforts were not in vain, but brought good and well-being to other people and society I live in is what fills the life with sense and brings inner satisfaction. Only by striving for more a person can expect to become versatile personality and knowledgeable professional. Following my credo, I know that any experience, either successful or not, is always good for a person, but it is essential to know how to make use of it and be ready to turn the past mistakes into the future gaining. My aim is not getting an access to material benefits as they are not the values I serve. However, I know that I possess all the skills and traits of character needed to reach heights in civil engineering. Finding and applying my own approach to challenges and seemingly desperate situations, I will be able to make a difference in this profession and prove that I am capable of much. The only indeed valuable award, in this regard, is seeing the outcomes of the completed work and to knowing that they will serve people good for ages. Subsequently, I believe that what I managed to achieve today will lay the ground for what I will gain tomorrow. The following confidence constantly encourages me to try even harder and applying even more efforts on the way to my

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Resolution of Communication Conflicts in Multigenerational Households Research Proposal

Resolution of Communication Conflicts in Multigenerational Households - Research Proposal Example A family needs to communicate on the way the family will operate. The responsibility of each member within the family should be well defined. Communications help in the setting of boundaries. The members of the family understand the like and dislike of each person. They are then able to compromise on issues of disagreement in order to create harmony in the family. The development of proper communication in the family is a conscious process (Poza et al, 93).The family should establish proper communication channels. They should appoint one or two people and give them the responsibility to be disseminating information. Further, a family should have a conflict committee (Vazquez et al, 138). These are persons who will be solving the family conflicts when they arise. The family members should decide on who among them will lead the conflict committee. This person will receive the grievances of the family members and forward them to the committee for discussion and deliberation.Family meeti ngs are necessary for the succession process of the family from one generation to another. They enable the members of the family to interact with each other actively. A family bond develops, and people are able to have in-depth communications with each other. The discussions concerning decisions in the family involve everyone. Communication and participation in family matters bring security and a sense of belonging to the family members.Family cohesiveness is strong in families that are able to communicate their history and culture to the next generation. Good communication enables the members of these families to be able to appreciate one another and work as a team. Improvements in the communication among members help to solve existing conflict and deter future conflicts (Hausner et al, 74). Healthy communications, which is open and honest, create trust. A multigenerational household needs to have family governance in place. The head of the family should then involve everyone in fa mily meetings.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

William Shakespeare Essay Example for Free

William Shakespeare Essay William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was born in Startford-on-Avon, in the country of Warwick. The third child and first son, William was christened on 26th April, 1564 in the parish chruch. His father, John Shakespeare, was a prosperous businessman. William got his education in a good grammer school. His father’s business failed due to neglect so William could not attend the University. At the age of eighteen, he married Anne Hathaway, the daughter of an old family friend and they had three children. The date of his arrival in London is not known but he was said to have been arrived there around 1592. A theatre company, ‘Lord Chamberlain’s Men’, refounded in 1594, developed into London’s leading company. Shakespeare became an important member in it and this group later got the name, ‘King’s Men’. From 1599, this occupied the Globe Theatre and later in 1608 took over the Blackfriar’s monestry. Shakespearean plays performed here show the change in the stage conditions, having more scenery and lighting effects. Shakespeare, by his Venus and Adonis and Rape of Lucerce, had earned considerable fame in 1594. The revival of classical drama brought about a change in the attitude of noblemen of that time. The theatre began to be attended by and the quality of the plays improved. In 1597, Shakespeare purchased ‘New Place’, an outstanding residential property. After acquiring a lot of property in Stratford, he retired to his house ih New Place. His career as a dramatist was over and The Tempest was his last play, written in 1611. On 23rd April, 1616, Shakespeare died and was buried in the altar of Stratford Church. As You Like It is a pastoral comedy by William Shakespeare believed to have been written in 1599 or early 1600 and first published in the First Folio, 1623. The plays first performance is uncertain, though a performance at Wilton House in 1603 has been suggested as a possibility. The play remains a favourite among audiences and has been adapted for radio, film, and musical theatre. Plot Development The plot of As You Like It is complex and comprises of a number of interweaving plots. The inter-linking of plots has been done beautifully by Shakespeare. The characters have been fashioned and fit into incidents. ‘ As You Like It’ follows its heroine Rosalind as she flees persecution in her uncles court, accompanied by her cousin Celia and Touchstone the court jester, to find safety and eventually, love, in the Forest of Arden. The play features one of Shakespeares most famous and oft-quoted speeches, All the worlds a stage, and is the origin of the phrase too much of a good thing. Themes Envy, Hatered,Jealousy,Conceit The theme of envy, hatred, jealousy and conceit has been brought by Shakespeare with the help of Oliver and Duke Frederick. Oliver is envoius of his brother Orlando because although he treats him like a rustic he has all the good qualties in him which eclipse the qualities of Oliver. It is because he is jealous of Orlando, he hates him and tries to kill him. In the same way Duke Frederick is jealous of the popularity of Duke Senior and Rosalind. When he comes to know that it is because of Rosalind that the qualities of Celia are hidden, he decides to banish her as well. He had only kept Rosalind back because Celia could not stay without her. Loyalty,Love,Devotion Adam is loyal to Orlando and loves him because he reminds him of Sir Rowland de Boys. He saves Orlando’s life by helping him escape from the trap laid by Oliver to take his life. Adam also offers Orlando his life savings and his service although he is very old. Duke Senior also has some followers who willingly follow the Duke to banishment. Love and devotion is also seen in Celia for Roslind as they ecape to the forest of Arden together. They are inseperable like the Juno’s swans. Rosalind is in love with Orlando when he bravely defeats Charles the prized wrestler of the Duke. She gives him her necklace. A shepard named Silivius has also fallen in love with Phebe. Another love-story of Touchstone and Audrey is also taking place. It is anti-romantic story and although Touchstone wants to marry Audrey, he does not want it to be a life-long bond. Background of the Poet Vikram Seth is an Indian novelist and poet. He has written several novel and poetry books. He has also received several awards including Padma Shri, Pravasi Bharatiya Samman, WH Smith Literary Award and Crossword Book Award. Seth was born on 20 June 1952 in a Punjabi family to Leila and Prem Seth in Calcutta (now Kolkata). Seth spent part of his youth in London but returned to his homeland in 1957. He received primary education at Welham Boys School and then moved to The Doon School. After commencing secondary education at The Doon School in India, Seth returned to England to Tonbridge School. Having lived in London for many years, Seth now maintains residences near Salisbury, England, where he is a participant in local literary and cultural events, having bought and renovated the house of the Anglican poet George Herbert in 1996 and in Delhi, where he lives with his parents and keeps his extensive library and papers. Structure of the Poem The Frog and the Nightingale is a fable in the form of a poem. A fable is narrative, not longer than a short story and has a moral. This poem has animals as its main characters. In this poem the poet has adapted features of modern poetry in following the pattern mixed metre and free verse. However to add the flavor of a ballad, a conscious effort has been made to keep it close to the common speech. The poem follows the iambic meter and regular rhyme immediately following the lines rhyming together. The last word of each line rhymes with the last word of the next line. Mostly the lines are hexasyllabic with variations of one syllable. Theme and Summary of the Poem The poem, The Frog and the Nightingale is a powerful example of how people are deceived by others because of the wrong self-image and the lack of moral courage. Generally, people build their self-image on what others think of them. They do not have the moral courage to see through their strengths and weaknesses, and thus they fall into traps of selfish people. There are many people who use other people to fullfil their selfish motives. The poet wants to convey the message that we need to realise our potential, have self-confidence and judgement of character so that we do not become victims of the crafty and hypocritical world. The poem begins with the frog croaking all day long at the Bingle Bog, under the sumac tree. Although the other creatures hated his singing, they had no choice because the frog was to determined to display his hearts elation. One night a nightingale arrived and enchanted everyone withher melodious voice. Everyone cheered the nightingale and she sang all night long. The following night when the nightingale was getting ready to sing the frog came to her and criticised the song as if he was a very good singer. The frog promised to train the nightingale but would charge a reasonable fee. He made nightingale sing continuously for six hours, not caring whether it is raining or not. He charged fee to everyone who came to sing the nightingale sing and thus she became very famous. The frog used to watch all the audience with joy both sweet and bitter. The frog used to scold her and she grew more morose. Her voice was losing its charm and thus people stopped to listen to her singing. Once, during a performance, the frog began to shout on her asked her to puff up and sing properly. Th nightingale puffed up ,burst a vein and died on the spot. The frog got back his position and continued to sing and display his hearta elation.

Friday, September 20, 2019

An Analysis Relations Between The Us And Israel Politics Essay

An Analysis Relations Between The Us And Israel Politics Essay During more than four decades of state-building, Israelis have looked to the United States for inspiration, financial and military assistance, and diplomatic support. Americans, in turn, have viewed Israel with a special appreciation for its successful effort to follow the Western democratic tradition, its remarkable economic development, and its determined struggle against its uncompromising enemies. in this Paper will indicate the beginning of US-Israeli relations, the US policy towards Israel , then the public opinion about Israel, the role of Israeli lobby in USA, the timeline of US -Israeli relations , then US Criticism to Israel ,the current relations. -Research problem: Why does it seem that Israels relationship with the United States beyond the barriers of political and ideological? -Research Questions: 1-what are roots of US -Israeli relations? 2- Is Israel exploiting America? 3- What are the interests between them? 4-Does US criticizes Israeli Policy? 5- Dose US Foreign Policy towards are affected by Israeli policy? The Hypothesis: The relations between Israeli and United States through politics and history. My approach will be Conflict Management Approach. Introduction: Since the creation of the Jewish state on May 14, 1948, the United States and Israel have maintained very strong ties. Israel owes it very existence in large part to the efforts of the United States. Traditionally, Israel has been looked upon as a solid friend and ally in a very tumultuous region of the world. A tremendous amount of aid, especially military and economic, has been given to the country. American support for Israel has been accepted as the right thing to do. Israel currently receives about $3 billion per year in economic and military grants, refugee settlement assistance, and other aid. Congress has monitored the aid issue closely along with other issues in bilateral relations, and its concerns have affected Administrations policies. the beginning of US relations began U. S.-Israeli relations have evolved from an initial American policy of sympathy and support for the creation of a Jewish homeland in 1948 to an unusual partnership that links a small but militarily powerful Israel, dependent on the United States for its economic and military strength, with the U. S. superpower trying to balance competing interests in the region. American support for the age-old aspirations of the Jewish people to return to their homeland dates from the Colonial period when John Adams wrote: I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation for, as I believe, the most enlightened men of it have participated in the amelioration of the philosophy of the age. In 1917, Lord Balfour sent a letter to Lord Rothschild, president of the British Zionist Federation, stating that the British Government would facilitate the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. President Wilson expressed his support for the Balfour Declaration when he stated on March 3, 1919. Congress was no less sympathetic to the Zionist objective. One can look back to the joint Congressional resolutions of 1922 and 1944 that unanimously passed an endorsement of the Balfour Declaration. The House Foreign Affairs Committee stated in 1922, Legislatures in 33 states, representing 85 percent of the population, also adopted resolutions favoring the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine. Governors of 37 states, 54 United States senators, and 250 congressmen signed petitions to the President.  [1]  23 History of the American-Israeli relations can be divided into during the previous phase to four major periods: 1-Phase ONE from 1948 to 1973: During the first phase of this period was characterized by the development of strategic relations between the two sides slowly with the declaration of the State of Israel and the recognition by the United States, and the Suez Crisis of 1956, which resulted from the introduction of Israels strategic vision of America in the region, from the premise that Israels moderate is not a burden, and then revealed years following the crisis until the 1967 war on the frequency of strategic cooperation between the two countries and access for the second phase 1967, 1973, marked by the rise of fast at the site of Israel for several reasons the most important failure of the regimes that are hostile to the United States within the region, and the failure of the prestige and the role of the Soviet Union in the region, particularly since the American perspective Israel deems capable of striking the Arab partys pro-Soviet, so that Arabs understand in the end futility of a military solution, and accept a diplomatic solution. 2-Phase TWO from 1973 to 1981:this phase called Recovery of the strategic role of Israel after the war of 73, which lasted until 81: since the outbreak of the 1973 war and military consequences that resulted from the day after the signing of the Egyptian-Israeli peace in 1979, it moved the position of Israel in U.S. policy from a maximum unreasonable to a minimum is expected to return without a rise gradually to arrive at the end of the decade to its original level, where this war resulted in the destabilization of Israels strategic position during 1973 or 1976. Showed the dependence of America, which shook the foundations of U.S. strategy toward the region based on preventing a major Arab-Israeli war and attract the Middle East between the great powers. Or link between the conflict in the region and the oil war confirmed that the future of the Israeli state force of arms, the document warns of pessimism and crossed Kissinger policy step by step for this new vision of the situation o f the region. 3-Phase THREE from 1981 to 1992: it called Strategic Alliance This represents the period one of the most important stages of the evolution of American-Israeli relations and the most complicated, as had not gone a single line, In the first phase of 1981 1988 which continued the presidency of Ronald Reagan saw relations return to the doctrine of strategic stock that means has the supporters of this doctrine vision implicitly to the peace of services attributed to Israel, starting from below and up to the most important, from the geographical location, which serves the U.S. presence in region, infrastructure and logistical capabilities that distinguish Israel from other U.S. allies in region, in addition to the defense capacity that supports U.S. interests by protecting the stability of the region, and possibilities of research and development and intelligence .which strengthen over the following years 1983 1989 and despite the intermittent differences and confusion and misunderstanding has continued to emphasize the view Israel as a strategic asset and help the regional and international developments, especially the collapse of the Shah in Iran and the failure of the policy of detente and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the pressures of lobbies and interest groups, and the disunity Arab, where the combined these factors to prevent a crisis in US-Israeli relations as a result of the invasion of the recent Lebanon in 1982, but emphasis was placed on strategic cooperation in the framework of that resolution was adopted Directive 111 and evolved forms of cooperation in 1983 in 1989 under what was called the Cold War following convergence of the Syrian USSR, and despite a change of the general context of relations under the Bush administration 1988 1992 end of the Cold War and the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the outbreak of the Second Gulf War and the launch of Arab-Israeli negotiations, that did not affect the total general formulation of the relati onship even though it had become clear that Israel is a burden on the interests of America, and it is the opposite of what it is rumored as a set for the regions conflicts and the safety valve to counter the threat of Islamic fundamentalism. 4-Phase Four: from 1990 to 2001 this phase called correspondence of interests that is the phase which began with the arrival candidate Democratic Bill Clinton to the White House, and its continuance in which, for two periods for two successive represent this period Summit in relations between the two parties, which witnessed the first period return of the second formulation, the mouthpiece of the depth of strategic cooperation, which has taken aspects to many of the development of weapons to contribute to projects conquest of space, but in parallel with the revival version of this and raised the strategic relations between the two sides to unprecedented levels, has emerged the principle of burden-sharing in crisis management following the end of the Cold War, the United States of America, According to this principle no longer willing to shoulder alone the burdens and costs of managing crises, and that Figure that you see in this case is the distribution of these burdens on the coalit ion or a consortium of parties with an interest in the management of a crisis, and for reasons that have resulted from the end of the Cold War and international conflict, and also of the reluctance of public opinion to bear such burdens and pressures to direct spending on overseas programs within the country, as well as an emerging divide within the elite influencing the political decision for the position of foreign policy and burdens. The answer of Why does it seem that Israels relationship with the United States beyond the barriers of political and ideological? This interpretation depends on the use of the United States to support the interests of Israel in the first such, it does not explain why America supports Israel, even in cases in which Israel is a burden on the interests of America . This is based on outer interpretation of the influence enjoyed by the pro-Israel Lobby in the United States, which has a special ability to influence, through having contact with the administ ration and the Senate and the House and possession of a database and the potential to influence the election campaign, and through funding. Also has a lobby, a knack for organizing and directing the Jewish vote during the elections, which is characterized by American Jews that they are so politicized and more than 90% of them participate in elections while than there were 3% of the total population at the same time, more than half the American people are not interested in participating in the electoral process. This maximizes the relative importance of Jewish groups, which in turn are concentrated in cities of the weight of an election as important as California and New York. Lobby based in its role of several factors such as the status of the State of Israel and the role of great power by the U.S. today and ideology of American cultural reference, which is reflected in the relationship with the Jewish community of American society based on inclusion, adoption and special relationsh ip with the State of Israel.  [4]  5 The timeline of US -Israeli relations was beginning 1917 Belfour Declaration by the British Government which controlled Palestine, details English support for a Jewish home setting the groundwork for the ultimate creation of the state of Israel. 1948 War/Israels Birth Israel wins the first war against its Arab neighbors leading to the establishment of the state of Israel. The United States is the first country to recognize Israel in the United Nations. 1956 Suez Crisis Israel, France, and Britain attack Egypt in October of 1956 after the Suez crisis but the US comes out against the war forcing United Nations intervention and an end to hostilities. 1967 Six-Day War Israel fights its third war in the region against the armies of Egypt, Jordan and Syria, and emerges victorious and in control of the Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem, Syrias Golan Heights, and Egypts Sinai Peninsula. 1973October/Yom Kippur War Egypt and Syria attack Israel in October of 1973 in an attempt to reclaim lands lost in the Six-Day War. Israel initially suffers major losses until the United States arranged a massive airlift of weapons which helped Israel in its counteroffensive. 1978Camp David Accords President Jimmy Carter mediates negotiations between Egypts Anwar Sadat and Israels Menachem Begin leading to the Camp David Accords, the prerequisite to the 1979 Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty. 1982 War of Lebanon Israel gets explicitly involved in the Lebanese Civil War, attacking Syrian and Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) forces. The United States mediates an agreement with the PLO to withdrawal which leads to American troop deployment in Lebanon. 1991-Current The Peace Process The United States plays a mediating role between Israel and its neighboring Arab countries, leading to the Madrid Conference (1991), Oslo Process/Accords (1993), the Israeli-Jordanian Peace Treaty (1994), and most recently the Roadmap For Peace. 2006 War with Lebanon Israel attacks Lebanon in retaliation for the Hezbollah kidnapping of Israeli soldiers. Questions arose about whether or not Israel used American supplied weapons during the conflict.  [6]   The answer of Question Is Israel exploiting America is that Nature of the relationship between the United States with its ally Israel, being related to common interests, of course, all these things are the basis of the relationship between the two parties, but that Israel could exploit the penetration of the Zionist lobby in the joints of the American state to the implementation of stealing technology and espionage and exploitation American figures are important to implement its goals and ambitions Pure unchecked, restriction or fear of cracking the alliance with the United States or taking into account the interests of the U.S., it is something worthy of wonder and a source of uncertainty in what looked like to say that successive U.S. administrations is satisfied with the repeated violations caused by Israel, despite the danger to security U.S. national.  [7]   American Researcher says. Hal Turner Hal Turner on his Web site, we have to consider whether Israel really an ally of the United States, or that Israel would exploit the Last Jews in all joints sensitive America for the implementation of their own, which may be subversive and dangerous to the security of the United States secrets and strategy, and it must be asked, is that the US-Israeli relations cost too much for the United States? Why this insistence blind without restriction or condition on the protection of Israeli interests, despite the recent lack of keenness on the interests of the sponsor? If we want to know that we have to look at the evidence the following: where should not ally that the acts contrary to the nature of the alliance as Israel did, spied on the United States, and sold the secrets the U.S. military to the enemies and rivals, America, and is stealing U.S. technology and are used without a license, and produce and storage of weapons of mass destruction, and atta cking a U.S. warship (RL) on international waters and destroy, Israel had done a lot of this and are still continuing it. The United States has been Israels closest ally throughout its history; nevertheless, the U.S. has acted against the Jewish States wishes many times. Ever since the war began in 1948, the U.S. was unwilling to insist on projects for the resettlement of Arab refugees. The United States was also reluctant to challenge violations of the Arab Charter of the United Nations and its resolutions. Thus, for example, allowed the Arabs to escape from the siege of the Suez Canal, and to impose a boycott on Israel to commit acts of terrorism. In fact, the United States has taken positions against Israel at the United Nations in more often, and do not use the veto in the Security Council to block the anti-Israel resolution until 1972. Perhaps the most dramatic example of American policy different from that Israel came during the Suez War, President Eisenhower when he took a strong stand against Britain, France and Israel. After the war, U.S. pressure, and forcing Israel to withdraw from the territ ories it occupied. David Ben-Gurion adopted on American guarantees dubious that planted the seeds of conflict in 1967. In 1991, President George W. Bush at a press conference to ask about the delay in the consideration of Israels request for loan guarantees to help absorb Soviet Jews and Ethiopia because of disagreement with Israels settlement policy. In the interest and prestige in this delay, mild language Bush used that inflame sentiments and have raised concern in the Jewish community that raised anti-Semitism. Though often described as the main pro-Israel more in history, as Bill Clinton was critical of Israel on several occasions. Has shown the administration of President George W. Bush also do not hesitate to criticize Israels actions appear to be incompatible with the interests of the United States, but not generally more conservative in public statements. During the first year of the war Palestine, the United States imposed an embargo on spare parts for helicopters due to a nger over the use of U.S. helicopters in targeted killings. The Bush administrations also punish Israel to agree to sell military equipment to China in 2005.  [8]   Current Relations: Two contentious issues have brought the close relationship of the United States and Israel under scrutiny and have contributed to some tension in the relationship. One is Israels continued building of settlements on Palestinian land, despite the illegality under international law and the objection of U.S. politicians. Another issue has been the Israeli lobby in the US which has been criticized for advocating Israels interests within the American political system, even if they are contrary or might harm U.S. national interests.  [9]  

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Head of Single Party State Essays -- Essays Papers

Head of Single Party State â€Å"Syngman Rhee: Key South Korean Politician† 1875- 1965 A. Plan of Investigation The presence of Syngman Rhee’s regime in South Korea after World War 2 was essential for preventing South Korea (ROK) from becoming part of the Soviet Communist bloc. The validity of this statement shall be addressed and analyzed in great detail within this investigation. The primary sources chosen for this investigation shall consist of Top Secret US Documents which include an evaluation of Syngman Rhee and a memo from US Secretary of State to Rhee. They are attached in the Appendix (G). The secondary sources used are numerous and will be included in the bibliography. The main secondary source will be State Security and Regime Security : President Syngman Rhee and the Insecurity Dilemma in South Korea, 1953-60 book by Yong Pyo-Hong. B. Summary of Evidence The United States, Britain, and China had agreed that Korea would be allowed to become independent after the Allied victory, at the Cairo Conference of December 1943. The Soviet Union agreed to this principle in its declaration of war against Japan. On August 15, 1945, President Harry S Truman and Marshall Stalin agreed to divide Korean spheres of influence at the thirty-eighth parallel. Their foreign ministers met in Moscow on December 7, 1945 in order to create a 5 year â€Å"trusteeship† during which a joint United States-Soviet government would create a "provisional Korean democratic government." (1UpInfo, 2002) The trusteeship proposal was immediately opposed by the majority of Koreans (communists excluded), especially by the Korean right-wing politicians, led by Syngman Rhee’s Liberal Party , who used the discontent to form his base of support. Rhee ca... ...t 2003. <>. 13 Apr. 2000. â€Å"Assessment of Rhee† Oct 4, 2003. <>. 13 Apr 2000. â€Å"Memo to Rhee† Oct 4, 2003. <,%20pg.%201.gif>. Hong, Pyon-Yow, State Security and Regime Security : President Syngman Rhee and the Insecurity Dilemma in South Korea, 1953-60, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1999. Kim, Q.Y. Fall of Syngman Rhee. 1983. University of California. Oliver, Robert. Syngman Rhee: The Man Behind the Myth. 1973. Greenwood Pub. Group. †Rhee, Syngman." Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. 2003. Encyclopedia Britannica Premium Service. 26 Aug, 2003 <>.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Abortion Pill Essay -- essays papers

Abortion Pill 1.Problem Statement Approval of the abortion pill RU-486, also recognized as mifepristone, has put abortion back into the spotlight. This has stirred up controversial issues of reproductive rights in America, and a growing concern for the potential impact of RU-486 on the well being of our society's morals and values. 2.Facts and Analysis A Brief History Mifepristone, formerly known as RU-486, provides women with a medical alternative to surgical abortion. Mifepristone is an antiprogesterone drug that blocks receptors of progesterone, a key hormone in the establishment and maintenance of human pregnancy. Mifepristone induces spontaneous abortion when administered in early pregnancy and followed by a dose of misoprostol, a prostaglandin. Researchers have discovered many potential uses for mifepristone beyond pregnancy termination. Uses include treatment of breast cancer, Cushing's syndrome, endometriosis, glaucoma, meningioma, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, uterine fibroids, and the induction of labor. In very low doses, mifepristone may even be used to prevent pregnancy as a method of emergency contraception within. In higher doses, of course, it can be used to terminate pregnancy. Other existing emergency contraception cannot be used to terminate pregnancy because they are not abortifacients. Mifepristone offers women another choice for abortion. It causes a miscarriage and can be used earlier than surgical abortion. Medical abortion is totally non invasive, meaning there's no surgery, and no anesthesia is necessary. Like everything in life, there are some down sides to the use of RU-486. One can assume that it will make abortion easier and more available for a lot of women. However, mifepristone doesn't get rid of all of the discomfort that can go along with an abortion. Similar to a miscarriage, it can cause side effects including nausea, vomiting, bleeding, and heavy cramping. If the pills don't work, a surgical abortion will be necessary. Unintentional pregnancies statistically bring a host of economic, emotional, and physical ills to mother and baby. About half of the unintended pregnancies in Washington State are aborted, according to the state Department of Health. That rate is consistent with the rest of the US. Even though there is a demand for abortion providers, man... ...hese questions. The number of abortions that result in the approval of RU-486 shouldn't be our main concern. If there is a reason to be concerned, it should be on the ethical and moral issues that stem from the reproductive rights of women in America. Without question, abortion is an extremely controversial issue in today's society. However, the different attitudes of abortion activists are more important factors than that which involve the actual abortion procedure. The focal issue of this paper is not to evaluate whether or not abortion should be legal, but rather the question of RU-486 being legal - and readily available. If women have been granted the choice to terminate a pregnancy, then RU-486 simply provides them with a choice on the procedure they prefer to use. The approval of RU-486 will not vastly impact the landscape of abortion in America. Though nearly every individual in America has a personal opinion on abortion rights, abortion remains an issue between a woman, her creator and her physician. As long as abortion is legal, women will now have RU-486 as an option when making the choice that is best for them. Bibliography:

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Big Brother :: Creative Writing Essays

Big Brother "Wake up!" a stern voice called from above. Her weary eyes slowly began to open. It was absolutely bright, however no windows were visible. Only electric lights running endlessly in parallel lines covered the ceiling of the hall. She was sitting in the very centre; her head crouched between her knees. She was afraid to speak or question where she might be. She could hear footsteps in the distant but could not make out where they were coming from. The burning lights had gradually blinded her eyes. This must be the Ministry of Love she thought. It seemed hours ago that she was thrown violently into this premises and she was starving. She understood why she was here but did not understand how. She participated in sexual acts that were strongly condemned by the Party. The crime would be punished by death, no questions asked. When will they shoot her? She wanted her life to end now. Freedom is to say that humans have two eyes. She will never experience freedom again she pondered. O'Brien entered the hall. She could tell by his distinctive strides. He grabbed her by the hair and began speaking in an authoritative tone, "You are here for committing crimes against the Party's principles. You are thinking why I am not going shoot you. Are you not?"She gave him a look of disgust and purposefully did no answer. "There is no need to be silent," he commanded, pulling her hair even harder. She was not going to allow physical intimidation to force her to speak. "You will have to talk sooner or later. I will help you Julia. You must understand that you desperately need help. What are your feelings towards Big Brother?" he assured her. Silence. She was not going to answer him she had nothing to lose. She knew she was going to die and she wanted to die defiant. "How many eyes do human beings have?" O'Brien asked her. Silence. "You are thinking two. Of course you are. It is unquestionable. However, humans have three eyes, not two. You think this is ridiculous. Look again. Concentrate. Tell me how many eyes to humans have? Look closer," he ordered, giving her a hard kick. Silence. "Before I leave you for the time being, think about these questions: How do you feel about Big Brother and Winston Smith? Remember humans have three eyes. You did see it, did you not?

Monday, September 16, 2019

Nathaniel Bacon Essay

One historian has remarked that Bacon’s Rebellion was â€Å"a rebellion with abundant causes but without a cause.† Do you agree? What were the causes of Bacon’s Rebellion? Did Nathaniel Bacon have a cause? Did William Berkeley? In 1676, Nathaniel Bacon marched into Jamestown, Virginia alongside 600 men ready to fight, demanding a military commission. After threatening William Berkeley, the Governor of Virginia and Nathaniel’s own cousin, Bacon was given a military commission. â€Å"In the following months, Bacon’s men waged brutal war against the Indians, turned their guns on Berkeley’s government, forced it to flee Jamestown, and burned the colony’s capital to the ground† (Hollitz, 19). I do not agree with this historian because some of Bacon’s causes for rebellion were important enough to the people living in Virginia to want changes. Taxes began to rise on tobacco, salaries of the government officials began to increase, and no servants were selected to the council after 1640. In 1675 colonists ordered Governor Berkeley to return with an army after killings by the Indians alongside the Fall Line (The line marking the waterfalls of nearly parallel rivers). In March of 1676 the representatives announced war on â€Å"all such Indians who †¦ shall be discovered to have committed murders †¦ and depredation† (Hollitz, 23). Trading with Indians was also now illegal which placed even more economic stress on those traders that needed Indian products to survive. Nathaniel Bacon had a cause for the rebellion after one of his supervisors was killed in a Susquehanna attack. Berkeley’s main reason for being against Bacon’s Rebellion was because he worked out an arrangement in 1644 to avoid conflicts with the Native Americans. In exchange for a large piece of land, he agreed to keep settlers from pushing farther into their lands. After Bacon’s death on October 26, 1676 his rebellion began to decease and everything was eventually restored back to order.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

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Human Generosity Essay

The Ghost of Christmas Past goes on to show Scrooge an incident that is obviously very painful for Scrooge to watch, for by the end he is crying, â€Å"Spirit! Show me no more! Conduct me home. Why do you delight to torture me? † The vision is of a time when Scrooge is beginning to shut other people out of his life, and start a new life in the lonely world of earning money obsessively with no one to share it with. He is shown his â€Å"release† from his fianci for the reason that she has seen his, â€Å"nobler aspirations fall off one by one, until one master passion, Gain, engrosses you. † On the arrival of the second Spirit, the Ghost of Christmas Present, Scrooge is prepared. Dickens presents the spirit as a large, jolly fellow who shares most people’s merry feelings about Christmas. When Scrooge encounters him initially, piles of food surround the Spirit, â€Å"Heaped up on the floor, to form a kind of throne, were turkeys, geese, game, poultry, brawn, great joints of meat, sucking pigs, long wreaths of sausage, mince pies†¦ † These lists are typical of Dickens’ style, emphasising the richness of it all. The Spirit shows Scrooge more images of how much others, rich and poor, enjoy Christmas. He sprinkles his own â€Å"flavour†, his own form of generosity, upon the shoppers’ food, especially that of the poor, before taking Scrooge to the Cratchits’ home. The Cratchits have little in the way of a Christmas dinner, but appreciate every last mouthful. Each and every one of them is in high spirits, Tiny Tim included. Tiny Tim is a young, crippled boy, with an iron frame supporting his limbs and a tiny crutch. Yet he too joins in the festivities with joy and love in his heart. â€Å"‘Spirit’ said Scrooge with an interest he had never felt before, ‘tell me if Tiny Tim will live. ‘† We can see him beginning to redevelop the caring attitude that he had buried so long ago. The Ghost tells him that if the future remains unchanged then no; Tiny Tim will not survive. The change in Scrooge is again apparent when he cries, â€Å"Oh no, kind Spirit! say he will be spared. † The Spirit quotes Scrooges words, â€Å"If he be like to die, he had better do it, and decrease the surplus population. † Scrooge is deeply ashamed by the words of his former self and hangs his head, quite overcome by â€Å"penitence and grief†. As he visits more and more homes, full of people enjoying Christmas, he hears their unkind words about him. They laugh at his ways and, for the first time, he realises what he has been missing out on for all these years and discovers deep feelings of remorse that he never dreamt he would possess. It is the final Spirit, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come that has the most profound effect on Scrooge. The Phantom’s silent, deadly way terrifies him, as do the scenes of death he is about to see. He is shown views of various people discussing a death, but with no compassion in their voices. It is clear to him that the person they talk of was not liked and will not be missed. â€Å"It’s likely to be a cheap funeral, for, upon my life, I don’t know of anybody who will go to it. † The people ask only of what he did with his money, illustrating how money was the only thing of importance in this man’s life. Scrooge is agonized that no one appears to have any emotion for someone whose life had seemed so similar to his, â€Å"The case of this unhappy man might be my own. My life tends that way now. † By now Scrooge is fully aware of how his lack of generosity will lead; he will die alone and unloved. He is deeply traumatized, â€Å"Let me see some tenderness connected with a death, or that dark chamber, Spirit, which we left just now, will be for ever present to me. † The Spirit obeys but Scrooge is surprised to find himself back at the Cratchits’ home. On further investigation, Scrooge discovers that it is not the same death for which he is being shown the grieving. He realises the sad, but true fact that Tiny Tim has died. The comparisons between the unbearable sadness felt for a small boy who, despite being poor and crippled, had love and joy in his heart, and the complete lack of emotion felt for a money obsessed old man could not be further apart. Before the final Ghost departs Scrooge begs him to reveal who they saw lying dead, although it is quite possible that he already knows but refuses to believe it. He hesitates before going to look at the gravestone to which he has been conveyed, for he has something he needs to know, â€Å"Are these the shadows of the things that Will be, or are they the shadows of the things that May be only? † Scrooge is desperate for a chance to change and live a life that could not only prevent Tiny Tim form dying, but also prevent his own life from ending in the way he had seen the other man’s to have done. Although the Ghost does not reply, Scrooge does not pursue the matter, for he knows already that he can change the future by letting others into his life and bringing more joy to theirs with just a little human generosity. He advances towards the grave and uncovers the tangled weeds of neglect to reveal the name: â€Å"EBENEZER SCROOGE† Falling to his knees he cries promises of change, claiming he will â€Å"honour Christmas† and live in the â€Å"Past, the Present and the Future†. And so he does. The story ends with Dickens describing Scrooges joy that he has not missed Christmas, â€Å"A happy merry Christmas to everybody! A happy New Year to all the world! Hallo here! Whoop! Hallo! † He pays a poor carol singer to order the largest turkey in the shop to be delivered to the Cratchits. He offers Bob a pay rise. He goes to his nephew’s home and joins in the celebrations that he has missed out on for so many years. And what is more, he continues to live like this, resulting in him indirectly saving Tiny Tim’s life. There are many themes running through the story of A Christmas Carol, but in the end they all come back to the same simple idea of Human Generosity. Scrooge’s story demonstrates that having money is not at all important if there is no one with which to share it. In his final gestures, he brings great happiness not only into the lives of others, but also his own. And then we come to the Cratchits who, despite having very little of material value to share, are some of the most generous people that can be found. For it is love that they share among them and, without that, there is nothing to life.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Historic American Wars through the Ages

In this research paper, the various wars that America has taken part in are discussed and dissected to identify the root causes for the wars, the actual incidents which transpired and the final consequences in the aftermath of the said wars. Evolution of the Militia System in the Colonial Times The militia is recognized as the local able-bodied force which the British created in order to protect its vested interests in the colonized regions when its own military was insufficient to contain the military responsibilities (Telzrow, 2006).The responsibility of the militia in the case of the United States was to basically supress the native population and safeguard the British interests in the geographical region. The militia was basically equipped and trained along the regular army lines and were to act as the front runners in any altercation. Evolution The movement of the English into the region previously dominated by the Indians was seen as an act against the locals as they were maltr eated and they began to become increasingly hostile.Aside from the local threat, the British were paranoid due to the presence of the Spanish, French and Dutch who were located all around the United States. The requirement for the militia units were that the person should be able-bodied and lie within the age of 15-60 (Telzrow, 2006). The leadership was often bestowed to wealthy families and people who were politically strong. These armies comprised of locals of the surrounding areas and rarely went into battles in distant places as there primary objective was providing security to their own locality.The militia was also restricted due to labor demands since most were common villagers who had some military training. So when the harvesting season was upon them, the militia was understaffed. Eventually the volunteer militia was created which consisted of militia members who voluntarily made the militia and were responsible in procuring their own equipment and weapons. This militia had a more military and social background then the regular militia. ImportanceThe population of the army in the United States was not sufficient enough to provide internal security as well as address the problems with the expanding Dutch, Spanish and French empires (Cooper, 1997). The local militia provided the British with a constant supply of soldiers and they would handle the internal conflicts and handle security issues. The militia provided villages and towns a means of defending themselves against neighboring areas and it was the militia which provided the Civil war with able-bodied men to defend their rights.British View of the Militia The British viewed the militia as a reserve unit for their disposal. Even though the militia was trained under the army, they were rarely taken for any expeditions far from their localities. Since most of the militia members were farmers and villagers they weren’t taken far from their responsibilities. It was this short-sight which eventual ly cost the British, as the militia was the fundamental force behind the Battle for Independence in which the British lost against the united Americans.The militia was led by a trained contingent of professionally trained soldiers and the concept of a dual army was born which existed in the War of Independence. The War of 1812 The War of 1812 was fought between the United States of America and Great Britain. The war lasted from 1812 to 1815. Causes The causes for the war could be traced to the United States frustration towards the British navy and its actions conducted in the sea.During this era, the British were searching for men who they could use as seamen and for this purpose they would stop and search for deserted sailors on ships headed towards the United States and departing from it. The British did not hesitate in hassling Americans in the process (Galafilm). The British were also pressing for the United States to quit trading with France, since France was at war with Britai n. This was during the Napoleonic era. These strict regulations and haughty attitude eventually frustrated the United States to such an extent that they took notice of these acts in the United States Congress.The United States felt that their rights on the seas had been violated. The United States felt that if it tried some economic approaches then under the pressure the British would fold but their attempts at constraining the economic activities across the sea routes proved ineffective and they eventually declared war against Great Britain on June 18, 1812. Conduct of the War Responding to the call for war, the United States decided to win over the Canadian region occupied by the British. The United States launched a three pronged attack in 1812 which failed.During the year however the Americans were able to win a series of single-ship engagements and were able to harry British shipping. In response to these actions the British tightened the coastlines and created blockades. The o utcome of this was that the American trade suffered, and their finances were weakened, and the entire coastline was exposed to attacks from the British. In 1813 the Americans attempted to take over Canada again. Yet similar to past expeditions, this attempt failed at once. 1814 however proved to be the decisive year, as the British had won over the French.They began concentrating their attention towards the United States front and began harrying troops along to the States in order to suppress the American revolt. They concentrated on attacking on 3 major fronts; New York, New Orleans and Chesapeake (Berton, 1988). The British were able to gain victory in all 3 places and the Americans were barely able to resist the forces. Consequence In 1815 the Battle of New Orleans took place in which the British’s superior forces were unable to overpower the lesser American force.Using strategic miscalculations on the part of the British, the Americans were able to defeat them in the hist oric battle. The end of the war was marked by the Treaty of the Ghent, in which none of the problems were resolved. Winners or Losers The War of 1812 did not provide any conclusive winners or losers as both sides suffered many losses economically and with respect to lives. The period from 1812-1815 marked an economical decline for America and it did not help the United States as such. The Mexican War of 1846The Mexican War was fought between the United States and Mexico from 1846 to 1848. Causes After the annexation of Texas, Mexico appeared claiming Texas as part of its own geographic boundaries (Son of the South, 2003). This came as a surprise to the Americans as Mexico was already a recognized state with its own geographic borders clearly identified by the United States of America, England, France and other governments. The Mexicans were also causing trouble since the Republican government had succeeded in their country and they were a constant thorn in the side of the United Sta tes.The state of Mexico would replenish its treasury and gather funding by plundering United States vessels in the Gulf of Mexico. Upon the United States complain, the governments formulated treaties yet they were never acted upon and the plundering continued to transpire unabated. The War In 1845, President Polk ordered General Zachary Taylor to occupy a position near the Rio Grande, as a precautionary measure since both sides were becoming increasingly hostile towards each other.During the expedition moving closer to Rio Grande, General Zachary began the construction of Fort Brown, which was later targeted by the Mexicans as a point to be recognized and neutralized. The first battle was at Palo Alto, after the Mexicans began gathering around the Fort Brown and it appeared as if it would fall. In this battle the United States won against the gathered Mexican forces. In the month of May 1846, both sides openly declared war and urged their states to take the neighbor as a recognized threat.What followed later were a number of expeditions across Texas into the state of Mexico, with the generals defeating the local forces and extending the United States controlled territory. Matamoras, Monterrey, Veracruz, Cerro Gordo, etc. were majorly all successful campaigns conducted by the U. S. generals. During this war California also gained independence as the locals declared the said independence after the Mexican forces were repelled from the state. The northward expedition by General Scott of the United States forces was undeterred and in September 13, the city of Mexico had fallen to the U.S. government and the Mexicans were ultimately defeated. A reason which could be attributed to the constant defeat by the Mexicans against the Americans could be that the Mexicans at the time were locked in internal conflicts as well, which resulted in their inability to unite against the foreign threat (Soto, 2006). Consequences of the Mexican War After the Mexicans were defeated i n battle, in February 1848 the Mexican Congress agreed to establish a treaty of peace with the United States generals at Guadalupe Hidalgo. Both sides ratified to it on July 4 of the same year.The stipulation of the treaty was that Mexico would be evacuated of American troop’s presence in 3 months and payments worth $3,000,000 in hand and $12,000,000 by the United States to Mexico over a period of 4 installments would be paid for the development of New Mexico and California which had become U. S. territories. A major consequence of the war was the distinguishing of the boundary dividing Mexico and the United States. When the treaty was ratified in 1854, the treaty of 1848 was revised and the boundaries were fixed and the United States agreed to pay $7,000,000 to $10,000,000 as a consideration to Mexico.The conditions set under the peace treaty were all complied with and peaceful relations have existed between the two nations since then. The Spanish American War The Spanish Am erican War was a brief yet conclusive battle which lasted from April 1898 to July 1898, during which time the Spanish Empire was destroyed and offering the United States with several new possessions in the Caribbean and the Pacific (Department Of The Navy — Naval Historical Center, 1998). Causes What basically marked the beginning of the war between the Spanish navy and the United States navy was the attack on the battleship Maine.This was an unprecedented attack on U. S. property and it incited the United States to go to war. Even though it has yet to be proven that the attack on the battleship was Spanish inspired (Buscheni, 2000), the U. S. newspapers used their influential position to paint a grim picture regarding the Spanish. Appeals placed in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines all made it appear as the regions were under Spanish oppressive rule and helped precipitating the war and providing tender to the flames.The newspapers in the United States were seeing a boom as they were the major source of information for the populace. Using their position, newspapers began writing pieces by which there sales would be maximized disregarding the truth and how events had really transpired (Buscheni, 2000). Incidents After the sinking of the battleship Maine in 15 February 1898, the Americans launched an attack in May of the same year in Manila. The battle of Manila Bay was between the Spanish fleet positioned there against the United States Navy.The battle was one sided as the Spanish fleet comprised of large wooden ships whereas the U. S. Navy consisted of smaller steel vessels. After the firing from the U. S. Navy, led by Admiral George Dewey, the Spanish fleet situated in Manila was completely destroyed. This was one of the most successful campaigns undertaken by the United States as the only casualty during this campaign resulted from sunstroke and not actual combat (Independence Hall Association). Another expedition was launched in Cuba under the c ommand of General William Shafter, who led a force which was vastly outnumbered 7 to 1.The true glory of the Cuban expedition is accredited to a group of fighters referred to as the Rough Riders, who comprised of cowboys, adventurous college students and ex-convicts who had volunteered for the cause. The Rough Riders, Shafter’s forces and 2 African American regiments all collaborated in charging up San Juan Hill and bottling the Spanish in the Santiago Harbor. The Spanish lost this war when the Spanish fleet was destroyed by the American forces. ConsequencesThe United States received the Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico after the Treaty of Paris was signed which basically awarded the victors. Cuba attained independence after this war and Spain was given $20 Million to recover its losses from these battles. Yet however, the key consequence of the Spanish American War was the proof of the strength of journalism in the United States. The effectiveness of the newspapers to influ ence the populace into thinking about right and wrong and coming up with conclusions based on what they wished to happen was evident in this war.Another consequence of this war could be the realization of the expanding American empire, as the desire to â€Å"free† Cuba from oppressive Spanish rule was replaced by the occupation of Puerto Rico and the Philippines by the United States. The U. S. sentiment supported the expansions and it is evident to this day of the urge of United States to occupy other countries to provide â€Å"peace† and â€Å"freedom†. Jomini and Clausewitz Fundamental Principles of War Swiss wrier Antoine- Henri Jomini and Prussian Carl von Clausewitz were military theorists who became popular during the era of the French Revolution and Napolean.Both have been highly influential in framing military thinking. The theories presented by both Jomini and Clausewitz are seen as either exact opposites of each other or as identical in most respects. The reason behind such a conflicting view is due to the similar background shared by the two theorists. Both had a common historic interest in the campaigns led by Frederick the Great, both shared long personal experience in the Napoleonic wars (even though both were on different sides), and both read each other’s books.After taking into account the mentioned reasons it comes as no surprise as both theorists saw war in the same light, just from different angles (Bassford, 1993). Fundamental Differences between the two theorists In its most basic form, both theorists were on opposing sides of each other during the French Napoleonic era. Jomini acted as an interpreter and general for the French forces, while Clausewitz had fought numerous times against the French being in the Prussian army. Both held a differing perspective regarding the concepts related to the history and role of the military.Clausewitz book, On War, clearly indicated that history was a dynamic process and it should not be looked upon with a static world view as values, standards and situations differ with respect to the context of the times. His theories bring to light a concept which states that war can vary its form depending on the circumstances in which it is being fought, hence the nature of the policy and the society within it is waged is crucial to take into account and should not be overlooked as a constant. On the other hand, Jomini’s views regarding war were simplistic in nature and were static.He recognized war as a battle of superior minds, in the form of military generals and heroes, and reflected that war was beyond normal people’s comprehension. He referred to war as a â€Å"drama† with differences in wars arising due to differing technologies, political motivations and people involved. His work was thus more appealing to military educators as its purpose was to teach practical lessons to officers of a superior grade. Even though the philosophies of b oth theorists differed, both discussed the same materials in their works which were practically applicable to scenarios which may arise during wars.Similarities and Sharing of Opinions Initially Jomini appeared to be a role model for Clausewitz, as in Clausewitz first book â€Å"Principles of War†, we can see the references and acknowledgements Clausewitz aimed towards Jomini (Handel). Both also shared a lot of similar concepts and terminologies which reflected on their acceptance of the others opinion. The fundamental Jomini theory related to warfare which lies in accordance with the theory proposed by Clausewitz was the concept of the centre of gravity.Both theorists shared the opinion that all armies have a central point where if they were attacked then the outcome would turn in favor of the attacker. Yet in due time Clausewitz began to think otherwise. His argument was that Jomini did not take into account the external variables which could not be calculated such as the m orals of the soldiers, the level of motivation, and other psychological factors. These arguments were however unjust as Jomini identified morale of the soldiers and other such concepts in his work the â€Å"Summary of the Art of War†.Yet this was published after Clausewitz’ death and were after Jomini had read â€Å"On War†. Relevance to Today’s World In truth the theories discussed by Jomini are more popularly enforced in today’s world rather than the works of Clausewitz which is in one way a disadvantage as war has become overly simplistic in nature not taking into account values and other humanistic factors. Becoming purely mathematical and artistic in nature has cost us humanity’s values. In today’s volatile environment we find coexistence between the two approaches.We can find instances where the Clausewitz approach is applied where wars are fought along the grounds of being righteous and to further humanistic elements (such as t he Afghan war and Iraq invasion), whereas other times we find the human element entirely lacking (the Turks and Kurd war). Both the theories are applicable as taking into account the Clausewitz belief that wars should be taken in context to the situation and not as a point in time, the theories adapted by leading strategists fall into a category which is a mixture of both the theorists views.References Bassford, C. (1993). Jomini And Clausewitz: Their Interaction. 23rd Meeting of the Consortium on Revolutionary Europe . Georgia State University . Berton, P. (1988). Flames across the Border . Buscheni, J. (2000). Remember the Maine. Retrieved March 22, 2009, from The Spanish American War: http://www. smplanet. com/imperialism/remember. html Cooper, J. (1997). The Rise of the National Guard: The Evolution of the American Militia, 1865-1920. Nebraska Press. Department Of The Navy — Naval Historical Center. (1998, October 16).EVENTS — Spanish-American War. Retrieved March 22, 2009, from Naval Historical Center: http://www. history. navy. mil/photos/events/spanam/eve-pge. htm Galafilm. (n. d. ). The War of 1812: Introduction. Retrieved March 22, 2009, from Galafilm. com: http://www. galafilm. com/1812/e/intro/index. html Handel, M. I. Masters of War. Routledge. Independence Hall Association. (n. d. ). The Spanish American War and its Consequences. Retrieved March 22, 2009, from U. S. History: http://www. ushistory. org/us/44d. asp Son of the South. (2003). The Mexican War.Retrieved March 22, 2009, from SonoftheSouth. com: http://www. sonofthesouth. net/mexican-war/war. htm Soto, M. (2006, March). The Aftermath of War: A Legacy of the US-Mexican War. Retrieved March 22, 2009, from The U. S. -Mexican War: http://www. pbs. org/kera/usmexicanwar/aftermath/legacy. html Telzrow, M. E. (2006, May 1). Citizen Soldiers: the militia: the story of America's citizen soldiers shows that the militia and the second amendment are not obsolete. The populace at large w ill always fulfill essential militia functions. The New American .